Agnieszka Majer and Kamila Karpicka-Ignatowska received PRELUDIUM grants financed by the National Science Centre in Poland. Agnieszka will study competition-dispersal trade-off in phytophagous mites. Kamila will find out whether passively dispersed herbivores rely on semiochemical cues when undertaking dispersal and how the ability to detect kairomones depends on the level of host specialization and environmental heterogeneity.

Alicja Laska received ETIUDA grant from National Science Centre in Poland to study evolutionary trade-offs in host specialization and dispersal in phytophagous mites, and for 6-months scholarship in the University of Ghent (Belgium). Congratulations!

Jakub Szymkowiak received SONATA grant from National Science Centre in Poland to study social learning of auditory risk recognition in wild birds. Here you can read the lay summary highlighting main objectives of the project.


The wood warbler. © Jakub Szymkowiak

Lechosław Kuczyński received OPUS grant from National Science Centre in Poland to study population-level consequences of social information use in birds.

More info: project page

Agnieszka Majer received Etiuda grant from National Science Centre in Poland to study mechanisms of dispersal in phytophagous mites and for 3-months scholarship in the University of Lisbon. Congratulations!

Alicja Laska received Preludium grant from National Science Centre in Poland to study host specialization-generalization trade-offs in wheat curl mite Aceria tosichella. Congratulations!   Project’s abstract