Research Interests
- mechanisms of habitat selection in animals
- niche modelling
- monitoring of biodiversity
- conservation biology
- statistical ecology
Current Projects
- Population-level consequences of social information use: a semi-experimental approach (National Science Centre grant no. 2018/29/B/NZ8/00066, PI)
- Evolution of the niche breadth in biotic and abiotic dimensions under constant and fluctuating environmental conditions (National Science Centre grant no. 2021/41/B/NZ8/01703, 2022-2026, Co-Investigator)
Completed Projects
- A bidirectional selection experiment to test the evolution of specialization and dispersal in the invasive wheat curl mite, Aceria tosichella (National Science Centre grant no. 2016/21/B/NZ8/00786, 2017-2020, Co-Investigator)
- Behavioral mechanisms of habitat selection process in small songbirds: the Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix as a case study (National Science Centre grant no. 2012/07/N/NZ8/00129, 2013-2016, Co-I)
- Factors influencing numbers and distribution of the Montagu’s Harrier in Poland
- Effects of mast seeding on population dynamics of forest birds
- Spatial distribution of Aceria tosichella biotypes differing in their host specificity and invasive potential (National Science Centre grant no. 2011/03/B/NZ8/00129, 2012-2016, Co-I)
- Montagu’s Harrier protection in Poland (The Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and The Society of Nature Protection “Bocian”, grant no. POIS.05.01.00-00-381/12, 2013-2015, Co-I)
- Regional breeding bird atlas project (Wielkopolski Atlas Ornitologiczny)
- Species distribution modelling based on results of Common Breeding Bird Monitoring scheme (Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection grant no. ZP/DM/5111- 01/02/09/MO, 2011-2012, Co-I)
- Host specialization and taxonomic status of Aceria tosichella Keif. and Aceria tulipae (Keif.) (Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant no. NN303089434, 2008-2011, Co-I)
- Application of remotely sensed data and comparison of different statistical techniques for habitat modelling and resource selection studies of animals (Polish Scientific Research Committee grant no. 3P04F05325, 2003-2005, PI)
- Host plant induced variability in morphology and demography of Abacarus hystrix (Nal.) (Acari: Eriophyoidea) (Polish Scientific Research Committee grant no. 3P04C03825, 2003-2006, Co-I)
- Distribution modelling of common farmland birds (Domestic Visitning Grant founded by the Fundation for Polish Science, 2003, PI)
- Habitat selection in shrikes in farmland landscape (GEF/SGP UNDP Poland, 2000-2001, Co-I)
- Toxicological, virological and parasitological studies on Mallard Anas platyrhynchos in W Poland (Polish Scientific Research Committee grant no. 6PO4G04817, 1999-2002, Co-I)
- Habitat use and reproduction strategy of Mallard Anas platyrhynchos (Polish Scientific Research Committee grant no. 6POG01610, 1996-1998, Co-I)
- Song functions and territoriality in Treecreepers Certhia spp. (Polish Scientific Research Committee grant no. 6PO4C019, 1996-1998, Co-I)
Career History
- from 2024: Professor
- 2016 – 2024: Associate Professor
- 2013: Habilitation in ecology
- 2004-2015: Assistant Professor at the Department of Avian Biology and Ecology (AMU)
- 1999-2003: Assistant Professor at the Department of Animal Morphology (AMU)
- 1999: PhD in Zoology
- 1993: Msc in Biology
Honors & awards
- AMU scholarship for the most scientifically productive research staff (2022)
- Team Award of the Rector of AMU for the scientific achievements (2024, 2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2011)
- 1st award in the microphotography competition (Ministry of Science, Olympus) in 2004
- The Domestic Visiting Grant founded by the Fundation for Polish Science in 2003
- Statistical methods in environmental protection
- Ecological modelling
- Monitoring of wildlife populations
- Ecological methodology
- Programming in R
- Computational ecology
PhD projects
- Katarzyna Malinowska (in progress) How biotic interactions shape population dynamics in birds?
- Katarzyna Markowska (in progress) Methods of inferring biotic interactions based on meta-population time series data
- Natalia Królikowska (in progress) Factors influencing numbers and distribution of the Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus in Poland
- Jakub Szymkowiak 2016. Mechanisms of habitat selection in the wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix
MSc projects
- Michał Wawrzynowicz 2024. Spatial aggregation in breeding birds: habitat filtering, social information or functional response to predation?
- Mateusz Lisiecki 2022. Methodology for assessing habitat use in the White Stork Ciconia ciconia based on remote sensing data
- Michał Nicke (in progress) Effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network in protecting farmland bird species
- Katarzyna Markowska 2020. rangr: An R package for mechanistic, spatially explicit simulation of species range dynamics
- Caterina Migała 2020. Factors influencing breeding success in the wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix – implications for species conservation
- Emilia Cierlikowska 2016. Environmental factors influencing the occurrence of frogs and toads in small water bodies in the Piła county
- Michele Sanna 2015. Breeding performance of Wood Warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix in the Wielkopolska National Park: nest predation and its implications for species conservation
- Mateusz Gutowski 2015. The use of forest inventory data for assessing the distribution and habitat use of the European Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus in the IBA site „Puszcza nad Gwdą”
- Tomasz Sadowczyk 2009. Nature protection policy and quality of human life – analysis of Polish demographic data
- Dawid Diduszko 2005. The use of satellite remote sensing in the study of anuran habitat use
- Tadeusz Kandefer 2004. Evaluation of amphibian tunnels in Jeleniów, Góry Stołowe National Park
- Piotr Zduniak 2002. Breeding biology of the Hooded Crow Corvus corone cornix in “Słońsk” reserve
BSc projects
- Maria Piasecka (in progress) Outlier detection in biodiversity monitoring data
- Kacper Roszczak (in progress) Modelling multi-species ecological systems using a computer network-based system
- Michał Wawrzynowicz 2022. Interspecific protective nesting associations in birds
- Katarzyna Malinowska 2019. Status and conservation of the Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra)
- Katarzyna Markowska 2018. The evaluation of different machine learning methods for building spatial distribution models of common bird species
- Alicja Szadowiak 2014. The occurrence of amphibians on the Szachty in Poznan and factors affecting the status of their populations
- Mateusz Gutowski 2013. Numbers, distribution and habitat choice of Boreal Owl Aegolius funereus in IBA site „Puszcza nad Gwdą”
- Mateusz Ciemnoczołowski 2013. Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus – population numbers, trends and conservation strategies
- Malina Czarnecka 2008. Habitat use and habitat selection in frogs Rana sp.
- Natalia Sulanowska 2008. Amphibians of Nadwarciański Landscape Park
- Samuel Odrzykowski 2008. Special Protection Area “Dolina Samicy” (PLB300013)
- Łukasz Świtalski 2003. Breeding biology and breeding success in Mallard Anas platyrhynchos
- Dawid Diduszko 2003. Amphibians and roads
- Tadeusz Kandefer 2002. Protection of amphibians in Góry Stołowe National Park in the years 1998-2001
Markowska, K., Malinowska, K., & Kuczyński, L. 2025. rangr: An R package for mechanistic, spatially explicit simulation of species range dynamics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution,
Ravigné, V., Rodrigues, L.R., Charlery de la Masselière, M., Facon, B., Kuczyński, L., Radwan, J., Skoracka, A. and Magalhães, S., 2024. Understanding the joint evolution of dispersal and host specialisation using phytophagous arthropods as a model group, Biological Reviews, 99: 219-237,
Majer, A., Skoracka, A., Spaak, J. & Kuczyński, L. 2024. Higher-order species interactions cause time-dependent niche and fitness differences: Experimental evidence in plant-feeding arthropods. Ecology Letters, 27, e14428.
Grünwald, J., Auniņš, A., Brambilla, M., Escandell, V., Eskildsen, D. P., Chodkiewicz, T., Fontaine, B., Jiguet, F., Kålås, J. A., Kamp, J., Klvaňová, A., Kuczyński, L., Lehikoinen, A., Lindström, Å., Nellis, R., Jostein Øien, I., Šilarová, E., Strebel, N., Vikstrøm, T., Reif, J., 2024. Ecological traits predict population trends of urban birds in Europe. Ecological Indicators, 160, 111926.
Rigal S., Dakos V., Alonso H., Auniņš A., Benkő Z., BrotonsnL., Chodkiewicz T., Chylarecki P., de Carli E., del Moral J.C., Domșa C., Escandell V., Fontaine B., Foppen R., Gregory R., Harris S., Herrando S., Husby M., Ieronymidou C., Jiguet F., Kennedy J., Klvaňová A., Kmecl P., Kuczyński L., Kurlavičius P., Kålås J.A., Lehikoinen A., Lindström Å., Lorrillière R., Moshøj C., Nellis R., Noble D., Eskildsen D.P., Paquet J-Y., Pélissié M., Pladevall C., Portolou D., Reif J., Schmid H., Seaman B., Szabo Z.D., Szép T., Florenzano G.T., Teufelbauer N., Trautmann S., van Turnhout C.A.M, Vermouzek Z, Vikstrøm T., Voříšek P., Weiserbs A., Devictor V. 2023. Farmland practices are driving bird populations decline across Europe, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 120(21), e2216573120,
Malinowska, K., Markowska, K., & Kuczyński, L. 2023. Making virtual species less virtual by reverse engineering of spatiotemporal ecological models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution,
Augustyniak A., Szymanski T., Porzucek F., Mieloch A., Semba J., Hubert K., Grajek D., Krela R., Rogalska Z., Zalc-Budziszewska E, Wysocki S., Sobczak K., Kuczyński L., Rybka J. 2023. A cohort study reveals different dynamics of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody formation after Comirnaty and Vaxzevria vaccination, Vaccine,
Laska A., Rector B., Przychodzka A., Majer A., Zalewska K., Kuczyński L., Skoracka A., Do mites eat and run? A systematic review of feeding and dispersal strategies, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2023; zlac094,
Laska A., Puchalska E., Mikołajczyk M., Gwiazdowicz D. J., Kaźmierski A., Niedbała W., Błoszyk J., Olszanowski Z., Szymkowiak J., Hałas N., Kuczyński L., Skoracka A. 2023.Mites inhabiting nests of wood warbler, Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Aves: Passeriformes), in the Wielkopolska National Park in western Poland. Experimental and Applied Acarology;
Skoracka, A., Laska, A., Radwan, J., Konczal, M., Lewandowski, M., Puchalska, E., Karpicka-Ignatowska, K., Przychodzka, A., Raubic, J., & Kuczyński, L. 2022. Effective specialist or jack of all trades? Experimental evolution of a crop pest in fluctuating and stable environments. Evolutionary Applications, 00, 1– 14.
Dvořáková L., Kuczyński L., Rivas-Salvador J. and Reif J. 2022. Habitat Characteristics Supporting Bird Species Richness in Mid-Field Woodlots. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 10:816255.
Laska, A., Magalhães, S., Lewandowski, M., Puchalska, E., Karpicka-Ignatowska, K., Radwańska, A., Meagher, S., Kuczyński, L., Skoracka, A. 2021. A sink host allows a specialist herbivore to persist in a seasonal source. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288: 20211604.
Dziuba, M.K., Kuczyński, L., Wejnerowski, Ł., Cerbin, S. and Wolinska, J. 2021. Countergradient variation concealed adaptive responses to temperature increase in Daphnia from heated lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 66: 1268-1280,
Majer, A., Laska, A., Hein, G., Kuczyński, L., Skoracka, A. 2021. Propagule pressure rather than population growth determines colonisation ability: a case study using two phytophagous mite species differing in their invasive potential. Ecological Entomology 46: 1136-1147,
Majer, A., Laska, A., Hein, G., Kuczyński, L., Skoracka, A. 2021. Hitchhiking or hang gliding? Dispersal strategies of two cereal-feeding eriophyoid mite species. Experimental and Applied Acarology.
Karpicka-Ignatowska K., Laska A., Rector B.G., Skoracka A., Kuczyński L. 2021. Temperature-dependent development and survival of an invasive genotype of wheat curl mite, Aceria tosichella. Experimental and Applied Acarology 83: 513–525,
Kuczyński, L., Radwańska, A., Karpicka-Ignatowska, K., Laska, A., Lewandowski, M., Rector, B.G., Majer, A., Raubic, J., Skoracka, A. 2020. A comprehensive and cost-effective approach for investigating passive dispersal in minute invertebrates with case studies of phytophagous eriophyid mites. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 82: 17-31,
Wilk T., Chodkiewicz T., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Kuczyński L. 2020. Czerwona lista ptaków Polski [The Red List of Birds in Poland]. OTOP, Marki, ISBN 978-83-89830-36-4
Laska A., Rector B. G., Skoracka A., Kuczyński L. 2019. Can your behaviour blow you away? Contextual and phenotypic precursors to passive aerial dispersal in phytophagous mites. Animal Behaviour, 155: 141-151,
Karpicka-Ignatowska K., Laska A., Kuczyński L., Rector B.G., Lewandowski M., Puchalska E., Skoracka A. 2019. A novel experimental approach for studying life-history traits of phytophagous arthropods utilizing an artificial culture medium. Scientific Reports, 9, 20327,
Chodkiewicz T., Chylarecki P., Sikora A., Wardecki Ł., Bobrek R., Neubauer G., Marchowski D., Dmoch A., Kuczyński L. 2019. Raport z wdrażania art. 12 Dyrektywy Ptasiej w Polsce w latach 2013-2018: stan, zmiany, zagrożenia [The report under Article 12 of the Birds Directive in Poland for the period 2013–2018: status, trends, threats] Biuletyn Monitoringu Przyrody 20: 1–81, ISSN 1733-3385
Reif J., Reifová R., Skoracka A., Kuczyński L. 2018. Competition-driven niche segregation on a landscape scale: Evidence for escaping from syntopy towards allotopy in two coexisting sibling passerine species. Journal of Animal Ecology, 87: 774–789,
Sottas C. , Reif J. , Kuczyński L. and Reifová R. 2018. Interspecific competition promotes habitat and morphological divergence in a secondary contact zone between two hybridizing songbirds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 31: 914-923,
Królikowska N., Krupiński D., Kuczyński L. 2018. Combining data from multiple sources to design a raptor census – the first national survey of the Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus in Poland. Bird Conservation International,
Skoracka A., Lopes L. F., Alves M. J., Miller A., Lewandowski M., Szydło W., Majer A., Różańska E. i Kuczyński L. 2018. Genetics of lineage diversification and the evolution of host usage in the economically important wheat curl mite, Aceria tosichella Keifer, 1969. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18: 122,
Chylarecki P., Chodkiewicz T., Neubauer G., Sikora A., Meissner W., Woźniak B., Wylegała P., Ławicki Ł., Marchowski D., Betleja J., Bzoma S., Cenian Z., Górski A., Korniluk M., Moczarska J., Ochocińska D., Rubacha S., Wieloch M., Zielińska M., Zieliński P., Kuczyński L. 2018. Trendy liczebności ptaków w Polsce. GIOŚ, Warszawa, ISBN 978-83-950881-0-0
Chodkiewicz T., Neubauer G., Sikora A., Ławicki Ł., Meissner W., Bobrek R., Cenian Z., Bzoma S., Betleja J., Kuczyński L., Moczarska J., Rohde Z., Rubacha S., Wieloch M., Wylegała P., Zielińska M., Zieliński P., Chylarecki P. 2018. Monitoring Ptaków Polski w latach 2016–2018. Biuletyn Monitoringu Przyrody 17: 1–90, ISSN 1733-3385
Szymkowiak J., Thomson R.L., Kuczyński L. 2017. Interspecific social information use in habitat selection decisions among migrant songbirds. Behavioral Ecology, 28: 767-775, DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arx029
Szymkowiak J., Kuczyński L. 2017. Song rate as a signal of male aggressiveness during territorial contests in the wood warbler. Journal of Avian Biology, 48: 275-283, DOI: 10.1111/jav.00969
Kiedrowicz A., Kuczyński L., Lewandowski M., Proctor H., Skoracka A. 2017. Behavioural responses to potential dispersal cues in two economically important species of cereal-feeding eriophyid mites. Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 3890, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04372-7
Skoracka A., Lewandowski M., Rector B.G., Szydło W., Kuczyński L. 2017. Spatial and Host-Related Variation in Prevalence and Population Density of Wheat Curl Mite (Aceria tosichella) Cryptic Genotypes in Agricultural Landscapes. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169874. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169874
Laska, A., Rector, B., G., Kuczyński, L. & Skoracka, A. 2017. Is body size important? Seasonal changes in morphology in two grass-feeding Abacarus mites, Experimental and Applied Acarology, DOI:10.1007/s10493-017-0159-1
Kiedrowicz A., Rector B. G., Lommen S., Kuczyński L., Szydło W., Skoracka A. 2017. Population growth rate of dry bulb mite, Aceria tulipae (Acariformes: Eriophyidae), on agriculturally important plants and implications for its taxonomic status. Experimental and Applied Acarology, DOI: 10.1007/s10493-017-0173-3
Szymkowiak J., Thomson R.L., Kuczyński L. 2016. Wood warblers copy settlement decisions of poor quality conspecifics: support for the tradeoff between the benefit of social information use and competition avoidance. Oikos, 125: 1561-1569, DOI: 10.1111/oik.03052 (Editor’s Choice)
Kuczyński L., Rector B.G., Kiedrowicz A., Lewandowski M., Szydło W., Skoracka A. 2016. Thermal Niches of Two Invasive Genotypes of the Wheat Curl Mite Aceria tosichella: Congruence between Physiological and Geographical Distribution Data. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0154600. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154600
Królikowska N., Szymkowiak J., Laidlaw R.A., Kuczyński L. 2016. Threat-sensitive anti-predator defence in precocial wader, the Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus. Acta Ethologica 19(3): 163–171, DOI: 10.1007/s10211-016-0236-1
Szymkowiak J., Kuczyński L. 2015. Avoiding predators in a fluctuating environment: responses of the wood warbler to pulsed resources. Behavioral Ecology, 26: 601-608, DOI: 10.1093/beheco/aru237
Szymkowiak J., Kuczyński L. 2015. Predation-related costs and benefits of conspecific attraction in songbirds – an agent-based approach. PLoS ONE, 10: e0119132, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119132
Skoracka A., Magalhães S., Rector B., Kuczyński L. 2015. Cryptic speciation in the Acari: a function of species lifestyles or our ability to separate species? Experimental and Applied Acarology 67: 165-182 , DOI: 10.1007/s10493-015-9954-8
Skoracka A., Rector B., Kuczyński L., Szydło W., Hein G. and French R. 2014. Global spread of wheat curl mite by its most polyphagous and pestiferous lineages. Annals of Applied Biology 165: 222-235, DOI: 10.1111/aab.12130
Szymkowiak J., Skierczyński M., Kuczyński L. 2014. Are buntings good indicators of agricultural intensity? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment188: 192-197, DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2014.02.037
Skoracka A., Kuczyński L., Rector B., Amrine J.W. 2014. Wheat curl mite and dry bulb mite: untangling a taxonomic conundrum through a multidisciplinary approach. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 111: 421–436, DOI: 10.1111/bij.12213
Krupiński D., Lewtak J., Kuczyński L. 2014. Krajowy Plan Ochrony Błotniaka Łąkowego [Plan for conservation of the Montagu’s Harrier]. Towarzystwo Przyrodnicze „Bocian”, Warszawa, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25904.40967
Skoracka A., Kuczyński L., Szydło W., Rector B. 2013. The wheat curl mite Aceria tosichella (Acari: Eriophyoidea) is a complex of cryptic lineages with divergent host ranges: evidence from molecular and plant bioassay data. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 109: 165-180, DOI:10.1111/bij.12024
Kuczyński L., Chylarecki P. 2012. Atlas of Common Breeding Birds in Poland: Distribution, Habitat Preferences and Population Trends. [Atlas pospolitych ptaków lęgowych Polski. Rozmieszczenie, wybiórczość siedliskowa, trendy]. GIOŚ Warszawa, ISBN: 978-83-61227-40-03
Skoracka A., Kuczyński L., de Mendonca R., Dabert M., Szydło W., Knihinicki D., Truol G., Navia D. 2012. Cryptic species within the wheat curl mite Aceria tosichella (Keifer) (Acari, Eriophyoidea) revealed by mitochondrial, nuclear and morphometric data. Invertebrate Systematics, 26: 417–433, DOI: 10.1071/IS11037
Skoracka A., Kuczyński L. 2012. Measuring the host specificity of plant-feeding mites based on field data — a case study of the Aceria species. Biologia, 67 (3): 546-560,
Kuczyński, L., Antczak, M., Czechowski, P., Grzybek, J., Jerzak, L., Zabłocki, P., Tryjanowski, P. 2010. A large scale survey of the great grey shrike Lanius excubitor in Poland: breeding densities, habitat use and population trends. Annales Zoologici Fennici 47: 67–78, DOI: 10.5735/086.047.0107
Kuczyński L., Rzępała M., Goławski A., Tryjanowski P. 2009. The Wintering Distribution of Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in Poland: Predictions from a Large-Scale Historical Survey. Acta Ornithologica 44(2): 159-166, DOI: 10.3161/000164509X482731
Osiejuk T.S., Kuczyński L. 2007. Factors affecting flushing distance in incubating female greylag geese Anser anser. Wildlife Biology 13(1):11-18, DOI: 10.2981/0909-6396
Skoracka A., Kuczyński L., Rector B.G. 2007. Divergent host acceptance behavior suggests host specialization in populations of the polyphagous mite Abacarus hystrix (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyidae). Environmental Entomology 36(4): 899-909, DOI: 10.1093/ee/36.4.899
Surmacki A., Kuczyński L., Tryjanowski P., 2006. Eggshell patterning in Red backed shrike Lanius collurio: relation to egg size and potential function. Acta Ornithologica 41(2), 145-151, DOI: 10.3161/000164506780143861
Kuczyński L., Kosiński Z., Winiecki A. 2006. The use of canonical correlation analysis for ornithological evaluation of lakes in W Poland. Biological Letters 43(1): 69-78
Chylarecki P., Jawińska D., Kuczyński L. 2006. Common Breeding Bird Monitoring scheme in Poland – Report 2003-2004. Warszawa: OTOP
Skoracka A., Kuczyński L. 2006. Host related differences in the development and reproduction of the cereal rust mite, Abacarus hystrix (Acari: Eriophyidae) in Poland. International Journal of Acarology 32(4): 397-405
Skoracka A., Kuczyński L. 2006. Is the cereal rust mite, Abacarus hystrix really a generalist? – testing colonization performance on novel hosts. Experimental and Applied Acarology 38: 1-13
Kuczyński L., Skoracka A. 2005. Spatial distribution of galls caused by Aculus tetanothrix (Acari: Eriophyoidea) on arctic willows. Experimental and Applied Acarology 36: 277-289
Kuczyński, L., Tęczyński, J. 2005. Głosy płazów Polski [Amphibian calls] – CD, Wszechświat 106 (4-6)
Tryjanowski P., Sparks T.H., Kuczyński L., Kuźniak S. 2004. Should avian egg size increase as a result of global warming? A case study using the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio). Journal of Ornithology 145: 264-268
Skoracka, A., Kuczyński, L. 2004. Demography of the cereal rust mite Abacarus hystrix (Nalepa) (Acari: Eriophyoidea) on quack grass. Experimental and Applied Acarology 32: 231-242
Zduniak, P., Kuczyński L. 2003. Breeding biology of the Hooded Crow Corvus corone cornix in Warta river valley (W Poland). Acta Ornithologica 38(2): 143-150
Hromada M., Kuczyński L., Krištin T., Tryjanowski P. 2003. Animals of different phenotype differentially utilise dietary niche – the case of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor. Ornis Fennica 80: 71-78
Skoracka A., Magowski W., Kuczyński L. 2003. Spatial and temporal distribution of cereal rust mite Abacarus hystrix (Acari, Eriophyoidea) on Agropyron repens. Biologia 58: 913-917
Osiejuk T., Kuczyński L. 2003. Response to typical, mixed and shortened song versions in Eurasian treecreepers, Certhia familiaris. Biologia 58: 985-989
Hromada M., Kuczyński L., Skoracki M., Antczak M., Tryjanowski P. 2003. The value of the bird collections and associated data in regional museums: Lanius excubitor specimens in Šarišske Museum, Bardejov, Slovakia. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 123A: 226-233
Skoracka A., Kuczyński L. 2003. Population dynamics of eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) living on grasses in Poland. Biological Letters 40 (2): 75-84
Skoracka A., Kuczyński L., Magowski W. 2002. Morphological variation in different host populations of Abacarus hystrix (Nalepa, 1896) (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea). Experimental and Applied Acarology 26: 187-193
Tryjanowski P., Antczak M., Hromada M., Kuczynski L., Skoracki M. 2002. Winter feeding ecology of male and female European wildcats Felis silvestris in Slovakia. European Journal of Wildlife Research 48: 49-54
Kuczyński L., Tryjanowski P., Antczak M., Skoracki M., Hromada . 2002. Repeatability of Measurements and Shrinkage after Skinning: the Case of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor. Bonner zoologische Beiträge 51, 127-130
Tryjanowski, P., Kuczyński L., Antczak M., Skoracki M., Hromada M. 2001. Within-clutch repeatability of egg dimensions in the jackdaw Corvus monedula: a study based on museum collection. Biologia 56: 211-215
Skoracki, M., M. Hromada, L. Kuczyński 2001. Torotrogla lullulae, a new species of the family Syringophilidae. Genus 12 (1): 87-92
Osiejuk T. S., Kuczyński L. 2000. Song functions and territoriality in Eurasian Treecreeper Certhia familiaris and Short-toed Treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla. Acta Ornithologica, 35: 1-7
Jerzak L., Bocheński M., Kuczyński L., Tryjanowski P. 2000. Repeatability of size and shape of eggs in the urban population of Magpie Pica pica (Passeriformes: Corvidae) population. Acta zool cracov. 43: 165-169
Kuczyński L., Osiejuk T.S., Tryjanowski P. 2000. Bird-habitat relationships on wet meadows in the Słońsk Nature Reserve, W Poland. Biol. Bull. 37: 257-266
Osiejuk T. S., Kuczyński L. 2000. Mixed and atypical singers among treecreepers Certhia brachydactyla and Certhia familiaris: a review and preliminary data from western Poland. Biol. Bull. 37: 27-38
Kuczyński L., 2000. Recognition of individuals of Ortolan bunting Emberiza hortulana using image processing procedures. Biol. Bull. 37: 51-56
Osiejuk, T.S., Kuczyński, L., Jermaczek, A., Tryjanowski, P. 1999. The effect of water condtitions on breeding bird communities of pastures, meadows, and shrub habitats in the Słońsk reserve, NW Poland. Biologia 54: 207-214
Tryjanowski, P., L. Kuczyński, 1999. Shifting from outdoor to indoor breeding: House martin’s (Delichon urbica) defence against House sparrow (Passer domesticus). Folia Zool. 48, 2: 215-220
Kuczyński, L., Tęczyński, J., Berger, L., 1999. Głosy płazów Polski [Calls of amphibians] – audio tape, Biotop Poznań
Chylarecki P., Kuczyński L., Vogrin M., Tryjanowski P. 1997 Geographic variation in egg measurements of the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Acta Ornithologica 32, 137-148
External Activities
- European Bird Census Council – national delegate
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences (2016-2019)
- Scientific consultand to the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (BirdLife Partner)
- Scientific consultand to the Society for the Nature Protection “Bocian”
- Member of the European Ornithologists’ Union
- Member of European Association of Acarologists
- Peer review: Acta Ornithologica, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, Animal Behaviour, BMC Ecology, Experimental and Applied Acarology, Journal of Avian Biology, Journal of Ornithology, Oikos, Ornis Fennica
Administrative Posts
- Head of the Population Ecology Lab, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
- Module Organiser: Statistical methods in environmental protection (01-N-MESTOCH)
- Module Organiser: Ecological modelling (01-N-MODPROCEK)
- Module Organiser: Monitoring of wildlife populations (01-MONPRZYR)
- Module Organiser: Programming in R (01-W-PROGR)
- Module Organiser: Computational ecology (01-W-OBLIEKO)
- Module Organiser: Ecological methodology (01-W-METBIOLSROD)
- Module Organiser: Introduction to R (5602-DS-ENG-R)
- Module Organiser: Data analysis in R (5602-DS-ENG-DATA)