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New paper in Methods in Ecology and Evolution

We present a mechanistic simulator of a virtual species: https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.14475 This is the first article in Kasia Markowska’s PhD thesis. The research was funded by the National Science Centre (grant no. 2018/29/B/NZ8/00066) and the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre (grant 403).

A new paper in Ecology Letters

Using modern coexistence theory, we show how biotic interactions change over time. As a result of higher-order interactions, species rapidly switch between facilitation and competition. Majer, A., Skoracka, A., Spaak, J. & Kuczyński, L. (2024) Higher-order species interactions cause time-dependent niche and fitness differences: Experimental evidence in plant-feeding arthropods. Ecology Letters, 27, e14428. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14428   […]

The joint evolution of dispersal and host specialisation

Our review paper explaining the evolutionary and ecological relationships between dispersal and host specialisation has been published in Biological Reviews. Ravigné, V., Rodrigues, L.R., Charlery de la Masselière, M., Facon, B., Kuczyński, L., Radwan, J., Skoracka, A. and Magalhães, S., 2023., Understanding the joint evolution of dispersal and host specialisation using phytophagous arthropods as a […]

A new method for generating a virtual species

The journal Methods in Ecology and Evolution has published our paper presenting a new method for generating a virtual species. This is the first article of Kasia Malinowska’s doctoral dissertation. Congratulations! The research was funded by the National Science Center (grant no. 2018/29/B/NZ8/00066). Malinowska, K., Markowska, K., & Kuczyński, L. (2023). Making virtual species less […]

New paper: Effect of light intensity on eggshell pigmentation

The journal Scientific Reports published a paper by Kasia Malinowska from our team presenting the results of her Master’s thesis. The paper experimentally investigated whether the level of nest illumination affects the degree of pigmentation of Great tit eggshells. Malinowska, K., Szala, K., Podkowa, P. Surmacki A. 2023. Effect of light intensity in the nest […]

Farmland practices are driving bird population decline across Europe

The paper, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), is the result of a collaboration between scientists from 28 countries. They analysed abundance indices of 170 bird species that have been consistently monitored over 37 years in more than 20,000 study plots. The authors linked the bird indices to publicly available […]

New publication: Huge diversity of mites in wood warbler nests

In this study, based on comprehensive sampling and evaluation of infestation parameters, we found a great diversity of mites that inhabit wood warbler nests. We showed that this ephemeral, single-season microhabitat, provides a space for survival of numerous mite species, and may play a role in mites’ dispersal. Alicja Laska, Ewa Puchalska, Martyna Mikołajczyk, Dariusz […]

New publication: dispersal and feeding strategies in mites

In this article, based on a comprehensive literature review, we explain the relationships between the ability to disperse and the feeding strategy in mites. Alicja Laska, Brian G Rector, Anna Przychodzka, Agnieszka Majer, Kamila Zalewska, Lechosław Kuczynski, Anna Skoracka, Do mites eat and run? A systematic review of feeding and dispersal strategies, Zoological Journal of […]

New publication: How environmental heterogeneity influences niche breadth

In this article, we explain how environmental heterogeneity influences niche breadth evolution, which may in turn affect the ability of pests to persist in agricultural systems.   The study was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland, research projects no. 2016/21/B/NZ8/00786 and 2017/27/N/NZ8/00305. Skoracka A., Laska A., Radwan J., Konczal. M., Lewandowski M., Puchalska E., […]