Seminars on Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour

Cykl seminariów naukowych organizowanych przez Tomasza Osiejuka (Zakład Ekologii Behawioralnej), Jacka Radwana (Pracownia Biologii Ewolucyjnej) oraz Lechosława Kuczyńskiego (Pracownia Ekologii Populacyjnej). Seminaria odbywają się zazwyczaj w środy o godz. 12:00, w sali Parter.

Planowane seminaria w roku akademickim 2024/2025:

09.10.2024Jan HanzelkaInstitute of Vertebrate Biology, Brno, Czech Academy of Sciences9th Marcin Antczak Award ceremony with the lecture of laureate: "An unforeseen ecological chain in tree cavities"
16.10.2024Katarzyna OstapowiczNorwegian Institute for Nature ResearchIntegrative analysis of phenological shifts and green carbon dynamics: implications for ecosystem resilience and climate mitigation strategies
23.10.2024Klaudia SzalaDept. of Avian Biology and Ecology, AMUThe function of eggshell pigmentation in the sexual selection of the red-backed shrike
13.11.2024Rafał KowalczykMammal Research Institure Polish Academy of Sciences, BiałowieżaRefugees among mammals
20.11.2024Nicky WybouwDepartment of Biology, Ghent University, BelgiumHow Wolbachia symbionts spread within haplodiploid mites
27.11.2024Jessie FoestForest Biology Center, AMUUnique rhythms: variability in masting across tree populations
04.12.2024Melissah RoweNetherlands Institute of EcologyAvian reproductive microbiomes: variation and consequences for host biology
15.01.2025Marcin DyderskiInstitute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of SciencesShifts in forest tree composition under climate change and how to predict them
22.01.2025Grzegorz NeubauerLaboratory of Forest Biology, Wrocław University, Poland
26.02.2025Natalia Szudarek-TreptoDepartment of Animal Morphology, AMU
26.03.2025Alfredo AttisanoMuseum and Insitute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences
09.04.2025Tim JanickeCNRS-UMR Montpellier, France
16.04.2025Lia ZampaDept. Behavioural Ecology, AMU
07.05.2025Kinga BudaDept. Behavioural Ecology, AMU
04.06.2025Jens RolffFreie Universität Berlin